Hoya carnosa 'Compacta"
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' is characterized by it's waxy leaves that fold over and curl on long rope-like stems. As a succulent, or semi-succulent as they are often labeled, Hoyas must be kept relatively dry. A cactus or succulent potting mix is highly recommended for its well-draining properties. There are well more than 50 varieties of Hoya houseplants and they can look vastly different! This blog is focused on the Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' which is often referred to by it's common names of Hindu Rope Plant or Wax Plant.
Native to the Pacific Islands, Australia, and tropical Asia, Hoya has been in cultivation for hundreds of years as a houeplant. In it's natural environment, it lives as an epyphitic plant, Epyphites are plants that grow on other plants. In the case of Hoya, it lives on tropical trees and climbs upward seeking sunlight. As a houseplant, Hindu Rope Plant is often set on a shelf or grown in a hanging pot with it's tendrils cascading down. However, those stems are just as willing to climb upward if given some kind of support.
Hoya prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate somewhat lower light if necessary. As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, Hoya is a succulent that needs dry soil and infrequent watering. Wet feet is the surest way to make your Hoya unhappy! A small, tight pot is ideal and only low fertility is needed a few times per year. Hindu Rope Plant produces flowers in late spring to summer and it's small star-shaped blooms are quite prolific when the plant is healthy. Mealy bugs are the most common pest of Hoya and are easily treated whith household alcohol when noticed early, before poulations are very high. Take a look at our downloadable guidelines for using peroxide and alcohol to treat pests on house plants.
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta"
December 17, 2024
July 29, 2024