Monstera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa

Often called a Split-Leaf Plant, this Monstera is not only visually stunning but easy to grow. As with most houseplants, the correct light is imperative and these need bright, indirect light. The more light it gets, the more fenestrated, or perforated, the leaves will become. Split-Leaf Monstera is a moderate water consumer preferring moist soil that drains easily. Unfortunately, Monstera is toxic if you share your house with a furry friend who likes to nibble.

When Monstera deliciosa is in its native habitat (southern Mexico through most of Central America), it is a tropical vine that initially grows laterally until it finds a structure or tree that allows it to extend vertically and seek sunlight. When grown as a houseplant, a moss pole is an ideal central support. Another interesting feature is the aerial roots that it produces. The function of these above-ground roots is to aid in anchoring and supporting the plant.  These aerial roots will be on prominent display when you give the plant a verticle structure to ascend.